Friday, June 20, 2014

Welcome to Buckhannon, West Virginia Elder Johnson

He only  had a few minutes to check-in today and tell me where he is at. We will hear more from him on Monday.

From Braxton:

President Pitt is one of the sweetest people I've ever met. So caring. We stayed at the Mission house on Tuesday night. We had an interview together and it went really well. I think he likes me. :)  We stayed at the mission home in Charleston and had a really awesome stew for dinner. Then we had interviews.

Wednesday was transfer day. All the transferred missionaries came to Charleston, and then got sent out. I introduced myself (as did my whole group). Elder Spencer (One of the AP's. He's really cool) announced to everyone I was going to Buckhannon with Elder Fielding. Everyone started whispering. :P After a 2.5 hour drive, we got to Clarksburg, where Elder Fielding came to get me. He was on splits with our Zone Leaders, so he wasn't at the Church. My "brother" (also trained by Elder Fielding) Elder Espinosa was my escort until I met Elder Fielding. We went to Walmart, I got some food and a pillow, then we went home and unpacked, then we went to visit some less active/recent converts.

Elder Fielding is a really cool guy from Bountiful. He's been out for 17 months, and is a crazy hard worker and super super fun. We get along great, he likes Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. He's been in Buckhannon since February, so he knows the area really well.

Today is not my P-Day, so I'm only allowed to tell you I'm alive today. :P P-Day is on Monday.

--I asked him why everybody was whispering.

Buckhannon is a really progressing place. four baptisms in the last few months, which is crazy for the entire mission. They were whispering because it's a really awesome place to go. Members help out a lot and I'm in a 2014 All-Wheel Drive Subaru. It's outlandishly nice. We walk pretty frequently too. :)

:) Got to go now. Talk to you on Monday. Love you!

132 #4 Wood Street, Buckhannon, West Virginia 26201

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