Saturday, June 14, 2014

My MTC moment and a bad score on our room inspection :)

Well, only four more weeks of the MTC to go... wait... what do you mean I fly out on Tuesday? WHAT? I've only been here one full week! I can't go yet!

Yep everyone, I fly out on Tuesday. 8:30 am. Wow. I can't believe how time has flown. So much has happened this week. Our old district, before they left, said, "The days feel like eternities, but the weeks will disappear." It's completely true. Days feel like 2-3 days at least, but I feel like I've only laid in my bed 4 or 5 times. Not 10. Crazy stuff.

On Monday Elder Sorenson and I started this thing called TRC. Basically it is when you teach an actual investigator. It's very nerve wracking, but it's fun. It's what the actual field is like, I guess. (I wouldn't know, haha, but I'll know real soon!) We taught Michael, a 20 something young guy who lives in Texas. We talked with him over Skype. That was an interesting experience. His mom is LDS, and, per her request, he started taking lessons from the missionaries. Our last lesson was on Thursday, and although he didn't commit to a date, he did commit to baptism! That made us feel absolutely awesome. :) I'm going to go ask the TRC people if he actual is an investigator, or if he's a member (they do that sometimes, for your benefit) so if he is an actual investigator, maybe I can get the Dallas missionaries over to him. That would be cool.

We are also teaching a man named Carlos (Played by one of our teachers, Brother Holmquost, it's a roleplay) who is coming along great! We invited him to church with us tomorrow, and he's bringing his 6 year old son CJ and his wife Monica! It's fantastic! We're so excited, and we hope he feels the Spirit there. We've invited him to be baptized 4 times now, just so he knows we're serious, and he's praying at night, and reading The Book of Mormon with Monica. We're going to really try and get him to commit on Monday, because that is our last lesson with him.

Other news, on Wednesday Elder Sorenson and I got our new Zone! 8 elders and 8 sisters. 4 and 4 to a District. They are such cool people. 4 Elders, Fortin, Ward, Jackman, and Duren and 4 Sisters, Hopkinson, Kunz, McCormmies, and Yancey, are going to Utica, New York (I told them about Micah*) and 3 Elders, Brown, Bateman, and Watts, and 4 sisters, Tippery, Thomas, Martinez, and Knapp, are going to Arizona, while Elder Wilson (the new Zone Leader) is going to Uganda... by himself. The poor guy. 28 hours of flying. 4 + 14 + 10. The only reason that he's with us is that the Church doesn't have a Swahili program I guess, so he has to learn it when he gets there from the people. He's a really awesome guy.

Anyway, the food continues to get better. It's actually really good. My favorite thing to do is ask the Combo line lady if I can have a bowl of fries. They are delicious. The Chocolate milk is always a plus too.

Don't forget to pray for me! Thanks for fasting for me mom.  I know that it worked. Last Sunday night was really hard. Even though it was hard, I started praying around 11 at night, and while I was praying, I got the most intense feeling of comfortable warmth I've ever gotten in my entire life. It enveloped me. My testimony grew that night more than ever before, and I NEVER skip a chance to pray now.I can really feel the power of prayer working in my life now. I am so blessed to have family and friends such as you guys. 

Thanks everyone for the packages, emails and letters! They mean a lot to me. We have so much food in our room. (so much we got a bad score on our room inspection, because we have no where to put it, so it ends up on the floor, it's in box, LOL)

I love you all! See you on Monday in West Virginia! (Or at least close to it, :D)
- Elder Johnson

*Micah is Elder Sanders. He is from our ward and serving in Utica, NY.

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