Monday, June 30, 2014

The weirdest things happen in WV...

Hi everyone!

After signing off last P-Day, Elder Fielding and I went and met up with some missionaries up in Clarksburg, about a 40 minute drive from here, Elder Hadfield and Elder Chavez, our Zone Leaders. We also met up with some other missionaries from Bridgeport, Elder Payne and Elder Esplin. Elder Esplin actually served with Elder Fielding when he first arrived here in Buckhannon. We went to a store called Gabriel's with The Bridgeport Elders, where I spent Mom's hard-earned money on some $4 ties. Really cool. I'll get pictures later. (I'm bad at pictures)

After that we went back to our Clarksburg Stake Center and played some basketball and talked for a couple hours with The Bridgeport Elders and our Zone Leaders. They're all really cool guys. It's really fun to see other Elders, because the only contact you have with them is over the phone.

On Tuesday, we had District Meeting! Elder Fielding is our District Leader, so everyone came down to Buckhannon! In our District we have:

Elder Fielding and I (Buckhannon I)
Elder Mortensen and Elder De Graff (Elkins I)
Sister White and Sister Wonnacott (Elkins 2)
Sister Adcox and Sister Escujuri (Phillipi)
Sister Pearson and Sister Campbell (Buckhannon 2)

Yeah. Lots and lots of Sisters. Elder Mortensen makes up for it though. He's like... two of me. Really teddy bearish though. He came up and hugged me at District Meeting first thing because he was so happy to have another big guy in The District. lol.

Alllllrighty... the meat of the week. So, Thursday night we get a call from our Zone Leaders, they met these two amazing people while at a member's house that night - A and R. They live down here in Buckhannon and wanted missionaries to teach them, so they called us because they live in our area.

So, he gives us this reference, and we call them right after we are done with our Zone Leaders. We are talking to A, and she sounds way excited to get taught by the missionaries. We decide to meet tomorrow, Friday, at the church. They just want a place where they can feel "accepted and loved."  Which is exactly what the ward will do... Elder Fielding and I are praying for them.

We also got a referral from the sisters on Friday as well. Her name is N. She's been dating a member for the last 3 years, and her family life has been hard. We had a potluck dinner right after church (a thing they do every 5th sunday of the month) and we were talking to her... and Elder Fielding set her a date to be baptized on July 27th. Before that, we tried to get an appointment with her, and this is kind of how the conversation went:

"We'd love to come by and teach you sometime. Would that be alright with you?"

"What do you need to teach me for? I already want to join!"

She's super ready. She's been studying the gospel with her boyfriend for the last 3 years, so she was already prepared. Amazing!

Yesterday I spoke in church. I had my first 7 minutes planned out (like, written down like I did for my farewell) but I was supposed to speak for 10, but then our Ward Mission Leader, Brother B. (hilarious guy. amazing accent) didn't want to speak, so he told me to go for 15. So I went for 20. The Spirit was so strong. Apparently I called a few people (not specifically pointed them out) to repentance/to be a better person. Whoops. Elder Fielding said to me afterward, "I'm a pretty forward and bold guy, but I would've never said that." I don't even remember half of what I said. Bishop asked me to replicate it so he can put it in The Ward Archives. Apparently the Spirit needed some people called to repentance, and he chose the new, unlearned, 18 year old to do that. The Lord works in mysterious ways, right?

So that's how my week went! If any of you guys have questions or just want to send me a message, my email address is

I meet my new mission President on Thursday. It will be great.

Keep praying for me! Prayers really work! I promise that.

I love you all!


 Our apartment.

 Nearby our apartment.

 Shout out to my mom!

 Yes. It's green. :)
 More green. :)

 Buckhannon, WV :)

 Carl Junior's younger brother Hardee. :)

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