Hello one and all, family and friends!
This week has been a lot of fun! I don't have a lot of time, so
let's jump into it!
Tuesday we had a district meeting, taught by our district leader
Elder Kelly (whom I've known for some years now). It was a really spiritually
powerful meeting about how we don't need to get stressed or overwork ourselves
to put out good numbers. Our district has been #rockingit the past few weeks.
We've really been doing fantastic, but Elder Kelly was concerned that if our
huge jump dips a little bit, we're going to get discouraged, have no faith,
etc, etc and make that dip even bigger. Luckily it seems that the areas have
really stepped their game up and realized it's not about the numbers, but the
people that we teach. We've really started to see great success because of that
I had the opportunity also on Tuesday to go on exchanges with
Elder Malin down in the Lynchburg/Amherst area! He is getting trained by Elder
Vai, who is one of our district leaders, and he is just FANTASTIC. I really was
impressed with him. For only being out 2 months (which in reality is quite a
while) he was able to take stewardship and leadership of the area and show me
the ropes. I learned a lot about humility and obedience from just watching his
example. What a blessing! We were able to find them a new investigator, a girl
named D. We went and knocked on the door (she had expressed interest
before) and she answered! We talked outside for a little while, taught her the
Restoration, and committed her to read the Book of Mormon. Woo! They set up an
appointment for Monday (today) so they could bring a male and have a longer
lesson. She's pretty awesome!
On Wednesday, after exchanging back, Elder Brenchley and I went
and did some service with one of our Ward Missionary friends, Brother F.! We
went to a nice lady's house (J.) who E. and his wife have been
helping and fellowshipping for a couple months now. After mowing her lawn, we
sat down and had a great Restoration lesson with her! She committed to read the
Book of Mormon and pray about it! She didn't fully understand the importance of
baptism, but we did invite her to be baptized when she found out the message
was true! We'll get there, just a slower mover. That was a great blessing to be
able to talk with, get to know, and teach her!
Friday was WAY fun! We met the Assistants at a restaurant called
JJ's (best BBQ you'll ever have. Pulled pork eat your heart out!) and
Elder William's and I headed up to Charleston for exchanges! That was so much
fun. I really look up to Elder William's a lot. He was Elder Brenchley's MTC
companion, so that's a lot of fun! I got to hear on both ends all the funny
stories from the MTC. At one point on our exchange, we went to contact a media
referral who requested a Book of Mormon. She was eh on the interest level, so
we were like alrighty, here's your Book of Mormon and we'll stop by sometime
later. We knocked a few doors around her house and eventually tracted into this
lady, S., who is SO PREPARED. It was awesome. She has had missionaries
stop by before, and she told us she read their "little blue book"
(The Book of Mormon!) and really liked it. She invited us back and invited
herself to church! It was sweet.
Saturday was a really great day as well. Elder Williams and I
came back down to BV just before noon. Elder Brenchley and I had been setting
up and getting ready for a festival called Mountain Days before I left for this
exchange, and what a success it was! We had the chance to set up a booth in the
street where TONS of people walked by. We also had a "Who Wants to be a
Millionaire - Mormon Edition" set up on the other side of the booth. Its a
trivia like game meant to get people interested in the various topic that we
teach about, Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, Temples, Eternal families, etc. It
was a BLAST! We actually were able to teach a new investigator, A., while we
were doing the game with her about temples, and we set up a return appointment
were we can come talk about temples some more with her! #miracles.
Saturday was also great because we got to spend a lot of it with
President Salisbury, our Mission President, who is one of the most amazing men
I know. We had interviews that morning right after I returned from Charleston,
and we also were able to attend the Priesthood Leadership Session of Stake
Conference with him, as we were invited by him and President Jones (our Stake
President). That was great!
Sunday was Stake Conference! B. CAME!! WOO HOOOOOOO!! D.
was ill that day, but it was a HUGE milestone for B. to come without D.
Usually you'll only get them there if you get both of them, but she came, and
LOVED IT! I'm so thankful for all the awesome talks that were given. One on the
enabling power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ was just A+ material. So great.
President Salisbury also spoke on how we have all been given various talents to
serve the Lord and preach the gospel. He encouraged us all, but especially the
youth, to ponder for 30 seconds about how they can use their talents to spread
the message of the Restoration and the Atonement. What a great day.
We were also able to pick up two new investigators, J. and
K. , on Sunday. We had met them before, but were finally able to teach them
on their porch! They were VERY interested to learn about eternal families and
temples, and we were happy to oblige.
That was my week! Thank you all for reading this! I love you
all! Talk to you next week!
Elder Brax Johnson
Who are your ancestors? Find out here and ask these cute elders. :) |
Elder French. One of my favorite Elders. Great friend! |
Elder French. The super Elder. |
The amazing Elder Malin! |
Elder Rueda's scary carnivorous plant. :) |
Em - leaves for you! |
The drive back from Charleston - I64 - it's beautiful |
Our AMAZING infographic!!! |
Seriously. AMAZING - Infographic! |
The Elders :) |
The wonderful Rockbridge district! |
The Family History Booth - at the Mountain Festival |
Check out our infographic |
This place is rather pretty mom. :) |
The AMAZING Elder Williams! |
Our Festival! |
Find your ancestor! with Elder Kelly and Elder Moser |
This was taken when it was almost over. There were 100x more people earlier!!! |